Tuesday, February 28

Tuesday RUN?

The most amazing thing happened today - I ran 3 miles. This is the first time in a LONG time I've run twice in two days. I'm talking months here! I did some speed work today, jogged 1/2 mile, ran hard for 2 miles, jogged 1/2 mile. I feel pretty good now for Thursday, when I join my newfound running group again.

Now to see if I can meet my point goal. I've eaten without journaling all day, so this is a little scary. I'm also still hungry so I hope the total is what I want it to be!

1.5 Coffee
3.3 2xGBs

5 boca lasagna
1.4 peaches
3 apples
2 lc cheese wedges

-4 Run 3miles
6 2xfake-ass chicken strip sandwich

Total 24.2 pts (target 24)
Water 50oz (target 80)

Well that's that I guess. Putting away the rest of my food now.
BUT, I'm OP!

Monday, February 27

Long Monday

I ran 6 miles after work, longest run since my attempt at the OC half marathon in January. It's a start. Now I need to get my WL on track. My target from now until April 1st is this:
  1. Eat exactly 20 pts a day
  2. On days I earn 4 or more APs, eat no more than 24 pts
  3. Drink my water target everyday.
I did something similar to get to goal, I can do it again to lose 10 lbs in the next month! If I'm down to 181 by April 1st, I'll be very very happy, and also able to run faster and with less effort.

SOON, I want to journal about my thoughts on weight gain. I have a lot to say on the subject from the perspective of one who has reached their goal. I'm amazing at how much I've learned over the last few months...

2.4 coffee w/ ff creamer

6.0 5chs lasagna
0.9 peaches
2.0 apples

-6.0 Exercise: run 6 miles
0.9 peaches
2.0 tortilla
3.0 beans
3.0 cheese
1.0 sour cream
1.0 sce
9.0 6x PBJ
Total 25.2 pts (target 24)
Water 80 oz (target 80)


Sunday, February 26

Sunday Food Journal


After going to bed after 5AM to set up this blog, I got up at 2PM. Trying to go to work tomorrow is going to be bad! Sadly, after my IM this morning, I lost all desire to go running and have just sat around eating and watching TV. To stem the influx of food into my mouth, I thought I'd stop long enough to type out what I've eaten.

6 4xPBJ
2 2xfake ass ssg patties

2xspecial k waffles

1 carrots

3.5 PB
2 apples
2.5 bolono sw

2.5 bolono sw

Total so far 21.5 pts

Water: 45oz

The ultimate test of will power

For some, eating at parties, sporting events, or on cruise ships is the most problematic time for eating too much.  For me, it's every weekend when I'm at home. I've always been the ultimate "closet eater."  I never fit the fat guy stereotype of making a hog out of myself in public.  I saved that ugliness for when I was alone.  Sadly, that tendency exists today as well, especially on the weekends.  Add the lack of an active social life to lots of free time, and it's a sure combination for eating all day. 

So here is Saturday, the problem day this weekend.  Tomorrow morning I'm gonig running - which should provide me ample "feel good" to get through until the evening.  Let's see how I did!

1.5  Coffee
3.3  GBs
6  4x PBJ
2  PB
1.7  GB
3  Apples
4.5  2xBolono wraps
5  SO mac & cheese with mushroom augment

That is unfortunately a few points over. BUT, I'm glad I counted now at 11pm as otherwise I would probably have eaten more!


Get OUT of my way!

Today I've regained SO much WL and running MoJO, it's practically oozing out of my skin.  A day after , I 1) ate very healthy, 2) ran 4 miles and found a wonderful running group, and 3) succeeded where I never had before in not finishing a food container.  [you may guess which one below]

Food Journal 2/23
1 coffee

1 peaches
2 apples

3 2x PBJ
12  Choc Cvrd Soy Nuts
2.2  PB

1 peaches
2.2  Dr Psx2 + mango/peach salsa

Water: working to get to 72oz
Points:  24.4

WI is tomorrow morning...we'll see how much of a dent in my recent fluff I make

A day of much food

1.8 peaches
3 bolono
5.5 bread
10 PB
1 Jelly
6 Apples
5 5chs lasagna w/ mushrooms
2 fake ass burgers
2 mixed veges
0 grn beans



.3 Walking
.4 Playing Pool
.3 Cheering

Total: 35.3

Planning to Succeed

Well here goes.  I promised a  yesterday that I would plan what I eat today.  This is in place of the norm as of late:  sit down in front of the TV/computer with raw ingredients, and keep making and eating food till I've become a food zombie.  Unfortunately this leads to the so familiar cycle of 1) not being hungry at lunch the next day, 2) being overly hungry at dinner  3) overeating again and 4) going to bed a food zombie.  Today I break the habit, an old one from my more robust days.  It's a little shocking how easily I slipped into this unhealthy eating pattern after 3 years of eating properly.

Dinner shall consist of:

  • Leftover Soup
  • 5 cheese lasagna with mushroom augment
  • 3 Michelob Light beers

On the WW scale, that brings me to roughly 21 points.  Right where I want to be.  That looks like so little food compared to what I have been eating!  Where is the entry for 8 PBJs?  Or 3 tablespoons of PB?  Ah, who needs that shit! 

OP Nick

Yo Mamma? Johari!!!

Please contribute to my exploration of what kind of man I have become.
Thank you.

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About me


  • Weight Loss Mojo - the desire to stay on-program. That is, to not go over my WW point limits in my eating.
  • Exercise Mojo - the desire to run, bike and get active!


  • Get to Onederland (less than 200 lbs) by 2009. Progress: 0/15 lbs.
  • Run/workout 3 times a week
  • Recent runs:

Mojo Motivators

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