Monday, July 31

Happy Monday of Goodness

Dearest Reader,
It appears my constant delays in regularly updating this blog have not hindered your desire to look for updates. I commend you (unless you're reading this in 2007) for your persistance and hope to reward it with more frequent updates. As always, the Mojo level directly corresponds to frequency of post. In general I get anti-social when I'm not happy with my Mojo, weight loss, exercise, or otherwise.

I've been having my official weekly WI on Mondays, and that has basically given me an implied gain of a few lbs. I have NOT stopped going to Thai for lunch on Fridays. I have NOT stopped eating much of my WPA's over the weekend. So basically my WI today indicates 196.5 By Friday, I think it can be at 192. I will try again next weekend to keep things in check!

If you look around you'll see some techno-updates to the blog. I've added a blogroll at the bottom right, will be adding some WL blogs of some of my peeps as I come across them. Haloscan is now used for comments - labeled as Mojo Injections. Please excuse the sexual symbolism. Actually no, relish in it! Ahh, I've spotted an opportunity to use one of my favorite smilies!

I also signed up with I encourage you to do the same, very cool concept - Globally Recognized avatar. You basically give them your email and avatar. Then whenever you use that email address at a gravatar-enabled site (like Haloscan blog comments) your avatar just shows up. So whenever I add to the Mojo Injections, you'll see me in a Buckeye nut hat from last years Ohio State - Michiscum football game!

So let's see, how did my Monday go. We already know I'm OP, as I'm here posting! So yeah, points are good. Exercise is good - ran 5 miles @ a 9:45 pace overall. Lots of work to do there before half marathon month - October. Talk to you soon!


1 coffee

3.5 corn
2 vegall
3.2 granola bars
1 apple

5 bolono swx2
3 pbjx2
2 apple w/ pb
5 pringles
0 pickles

Total pts: 25.7 - runningAPs (target 24)
Water oz: 70 (target 80)

Tuesday, July 11

Tuesday, July 11


0.9 coffee w/ lc creamer

5.0 rice pilaf
2.8 apricots

Ahhh, finally bought more apricots yesterday. These are in a large bottle, and in splenda water. 23.5oz of apricot sweetness for only 2.8 pts! The rice pilaf is new - microwave dinner from Lean Gourmet. It was very tasty.

Monday, July 10

Monday, July 10

We have arrived at yet another attempt to start up the Mojo Engine. Until today I had pondered renaming the blog to Mojo Demanifestation, or Mojo Eradication. But I am back to try again!

I'll start by journaling a whole day, and without cheating!
0.9 coffee w/ lc creamer
7.2 apple cinnamon mini rice cakes

3.5 Okra Shaak
3.0 2x dp p's cali
0.0 grape tomats
And then I ate a lot of crap for dinner. Will try again tomorrow.

About me


  • Weight Loss Mojo - the desire to stay on-program. That is, to not go over my WW point limits in my eating.
  • Exercise Mojo - the desire to run, bike and get active!


  • Get to Onederland (less than 200 lbs) by 2009. Progress: 0/15 lbs.
  • Run/workout 3 times a week
  • Recent runs:

Mojo Motivators

Mel Gets Fit button