Saturday, January 31

Hibernation Manifestation


For people who check here often, you will be shocked to know I've been regular with my updates to Daily PicNick, my photoblog. In fact, I was able to blog 23 of the 31 days in January - with the only gaps coming due to vacations/trips. So I am putting Mojo Manifestation into hibernation for awhile (this time officially instead of by default). Don't get me wrong - I'm not giving up the WL fight, but I think having the more open format for typing up something interesting in my life, is liberating and I think I can be much more regular with updates.

So maybe I'll see you back here someday, but for now....the Mojo is going on the down-low.


Monday, January 5

2009 PAD 2

Change in plans for the picture a day effort. I created a new blog instead, makes it easier to add info about the picture and for ppl to leave feedback. I've named it the Daily PicNick, clever aren't I? ;)

Sunday, January 4

2009 PAD


I'm starting a new online effort, taking and uploading a Picture A Day for the entire year!

You can find the photo album here:
2009 PAD

Or you can view in any RSS viewer using this link: Nick's 2009 POD RSS


This was a TV interview done a couple years ago, as I was getting close to reaching goal. I met Florine at a local promotional event (with Leslie Sansone), and she was intrigued by my story. Would be nice to get back to that weight - I'm about 35 lbs higher right now. But I've at least maintained (while trying to lose) for the past six months.


About me


  • Weight Loss Mojo - the desire to stay on-program. That is, to not go over my WW point limits in my eating.
  • Exercise Mojo - the desire to run, bike and get active!


  • Get to Onederland (less than 200 lbs) by 2009. Progress: 0/15 lbs.
  • Run/workout 3 times a week
  • Recent runs:

Mojo Motivators

Mel Gets Fit button