Tuesday, May 30

Tuesday Tracking

Fast Track Day 2 of 12

0.9 coffee w/ lc creamer

0.8 candy @ 40 cals/4pcs

1.8 FA Ribs
5.0 Ravioli
0.0 Mushrooms
2.0 2xapples

Biking Monday

50 miles training ride, but on a SUPER hilly course. Legs, back, and ass are all screaming in pain! Good thing I'm that masculine, hard-nosed, never complaining type of man's man!

*proceeds to cry like a little girl*

Better now. At least I earned a TON of APs today. It was in the 90s and humid through my entire ride. I went through an incredible amount of water, which is a good thing. I'm committing to journaling in this blogspace for each day of my fast track (which runs through June 9th). So here is how Day One went:

8.0 2 x power bars
6.0 2 x bolono wraps
1.0 lc cheese wedge

6.0 PB with baby carrots
7.0 2x pizza wraps
7.5 pringles
1.5 chili beans w/ chs

Total: 37
APs: Um...17? Yes, 17.
Net: 20 points. Perfect!
Water: 195oz (yes, you read that right)

On to day two!

Sunday, May 28

Taking my Mojo Medicine

And so it comes to this. After mini-mojo-moments over the past couple months, I find myself at exactly the same weight. So now, to make my goal of goal by June 10 I am faced with only one option. It is time...for...


20 points a day, plus APs. Two weeks. I've done it twice before and typically the first week is great, the second very trying. The reward will be huge though if I can be 10 lbs lighter for the MS150 (200 miles in two days). Wish me luck!


Monday, May 22

A challenge presents itself...

It's 4:15PM, and I'm at 20 points. I'm submitting this entry to help me think about the challenge of basically not eating much dinner.

Here is my food journal:
0.9 coffee w/ lc creamer

16.5 Granola Bars
2.8 Apricots
Total: 20

My plan is to drink a LOT of water when I get home. I'll also pull out the green beans and cauliflower for evening consumption. I've gotten so far away from eating these foods, which were staples in my good loss periods. Hot Yummmy.....Mmmmmm.

We shall see how I do!

2 hot yummy
Total: 30

Sunday, May 21

My Second 5K Run

This morning I ran the "Making Tracks for Celiacs." The race was surprisingly only my second competitive 5k since I began running almost 2 years ago. I was fairly happy with my time given that I did not do much in the way of preparing for it - I've been using most of my exercise time for bike training. I ran it in 27 mins flat, about an 8:40/mile pace. My first 5k was my first running race ever, and I ran it at a 12:40 pace. 33% improvement in two years! I don't think that will continue.

The big surprise came later though, during the awards ceremony. They had medals and awards for first, second, and third both overall and for each age group. Well lo and behold I heard my name over the loudspeaker, first place in the 35-40 age group. I was shocked! I'm anxious to check the online results when they're posted to see how many people there were in my age group. I got a very cool medal, internal portion is on a swivel so you can rotate it to show the front or the back.

Now for a day of housework and watching racing. Oh, and basketball - game 7 Detroit/Cleveland!

Asta la bye-bye,

Friday, May 19

The Weekend! (almost)

Hello blog reading people (who are you? what do you want?),
I went back to WW this morning and weighed in at pretty much the same weight I was at 3 weeks ago. I am making a 3lb adjustment because I was wearing jeans! Bad preperation on my part as that is what I packed in my gym bag this morning. If you know me, you're probably on the floor so I'll give you a minutes. *whistling* *checks watch* *picks at a body part* *checks watch* Welcome back! Yes, I went to the gym this morning. I had only one motive in mind. Healthy lifestyle? Training for a run or bike ride? Hell no. I was there for damage control. The Chocolate Covered Soy Nuts mentioned yesterday were unfortunately all consumed before I went to bed. 44 points. I somehow convinced myself in the Trader Joes that I could purchase this red light food and only eat 1/3rd of the package. No. I am stating it here. I have no better will power than I did at my 'full song'. I just have to remember that, and not put myself in situations where there is high calorie food around me.

More Later


And now, for no reason whatsoever, two monkeys in a paper boat.

Thursday, May 18

Icky Sagging MoJo Events

I had one yesterday. A typical night, I'm watching TV, surfing, and eating. For hours. BUT, I wasn't entirely off the bloddle. Here is the damage, per my best recollection.

Breakfast: 1 pt, coffee
Lunch: apricots:3, bolono: 3,
Dinner: tortillas:6 chili:4 PB:4 cheese:7 apricots:3

Total: 31.

In hindsight, I ate too little lunch making me overly hungry for dinner. Also I ate none of my APs the day before. Better balanace between meals would be good. I'm going to try to limit today to 20 points, plus 4 APs.

Breakfst: 1 coffee
Lunch: 6 port mush burgersx2
Dinner: TBD.

I definitely need to stop and buy some fruit/vegges on the way home as I have none! I've eaten two BA bottle of apricots (in yummy splenda water) a day for the last month. I'm in full withdrawal now as I've run out. These things are KEY in getting me the volume I like w/o much in the way of points.

I think I've set a new personal record for grocery store visit density. In 3.5 hours I visited five of 'em. Good Food Co., Meijer, Papa Joes, Kroger, and Trader Joes. Total spent: $115. Apricots are restocked; as are PB, apples, lettuce, Diet WC Pepsi, FA bologna, FA ssg crumbles, grape tomats, baby carrots, bread and um...ChocCvrdSoyNuts. Yeah, that's right, I linked my bread. It tastes great and is only 1 pt for 3 slices!

I didn't get out to run today, so I'm going to try to run in the morning before I go to WI. When I actually can get up I do enjoy morning runs, and I can really feel my metabolism working through the AM.


Tuesday, May 16


Day two back in the bloddle. (blog, saddle..get it? )
I MUST get to my workout today dammit!!! There. I've made a strong statement.

2 TJ FA sausage
1 coffee
.5 papad

2 boca burgers
0 salsa
1.5 FA bolono
4 peaches

8 taco salad
3 apricots
1 fork o' PB

Total 23pts (target 24)
Water 65oz (target 80)

Woo Hoo! I ran! I biked! I actually did something besides sit on my ASS all evening! Da Mojo is back in all forms and it feels so goooooooooood. I'm actually under my point target...it's been a LONG time since that happened. I plan to return to WW meetings on Friday. With a good day tomorrow I think I can get back under 190. It's amazing. I was at 196 yesterday evening, and 190.0 today after my run/bike workout. These were my first IMs in two weeks so it's nice I haven't lost too much ground. With some good days over the next 4 weeks I can make my goal of getting back to goal by the MS150 in June! Will definitely make it easier to bike for two full days carrying 14 fewer pounds. Here is the link to my pledge page if you're interesting in sponsoring me or reading more about the event.


And now for no reason whatsover, a smiley with a problem.

Monday, May 15

Can I come in?

I have returned to the blogosphere to attempt to remanifest what should never have gone away: the elusive MoJo. It hasn't been totally gone, usually making appearances when I'm 5 or 6 points over my target. And forcing me to pack my workout clothes every morning, only to see them go unused. I need to regain my focus now, if I have any hope of meeting my goals! To reiterate them to myself. I'd like to be at goal again by June. That will be difficult so I'm extending that to June 10th. What is significant about June 10? Its when I start my 200 mile bike ride! That comes out to 2.5 lbs a week or so (haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks so not sure!).

Here is how I've fed my food addiction today:
1 Coffee

3 Apricots
5 Fettucinni
1 Parm Chs
0 Mushrooms

3 Apricots
7.5 FA bolono wraps
0 lots of baby carrots
1 ff hommus
8 PB

Total pts: 29.5 (target 24)
Water oz: 80(target 80)

So not quite OP and I didn't get any exercise. Tomorrow I hope to get the activity thing going. Better weather will help, it's rained for 6 days straight now!


About me


  • Weight Loss Mojo - the desire to stay on-program. That is, to not go over my WW point limits in my eating.
  • Exercise Mojo - the desire to run, bike and get active!


  • Get to Onederland (less than 200 lbs) by 2009. Progress: 0/15 lbs.
  • Run/workout 3 times a week
  • Recent runs:

Mojo Motivators

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