Pre-game Nerves
Well a week has passed with no running. I've been fighting a nasty cold that is in it's final throes. I hope to get back to activity on Tuesday. As for tomorrow, it's finally here! The National Championship game, Ohio State Buckeyes versus some stinky Gators from Florida. As you may know, I'm from Columbus and hold a degree from OSU. I BLEED scarlet and gray. I hope the game tomorrow turns out something like this:

Sunday food journal:
4 omelettes
3.5 ssg patties
5 2x salami sammiches
6 4x PBJ
3 tostitos scoops w/ salsa
3 salad w/ blue cheese, pepperoni, dressing
3 baby carrots w/ pb
3 popcorn

Sunday food journal:
4 omelettes
3.5 ssg patties
5 2x salami sammiches
6 4x PBJ
3 tostitos scoops w/ salsa
3 salad w/ blue cheese, pepperoni, dressing
3 baby carrots w/ pb
3 popcorn